Bookshelf Shortcode Demo

Mar 10, 2024·
· 1 min read

This is a bookshelf shortcode available for use with HugoBlox.

The shortcode’s repository can be found at this repository.

This shortcode is inspired by the petargyurov’s project.

  1. If the layout/shortcodes folder does not exist in your project, you should create it first

  2. To use it, you should copy the layout/shortcodes/bookshelf.html file.

  3. For Tailwind templates, copy the custom.css file into the assets/css folder, and for Bootstrap templates, copy the custom.scss file into the assets/scss folder.

  4. Copy the bookshelf.js file into the assets/js folder.

  5. Then, insert the following into the front matter of your blog post:

  - title: Dune
    cover_link: ""
    author: Frank Herbert
  - title: 1984
    cover_link: ""
    author: George Orwell   
Dune Frank Herbert
1984 George Orwell
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone J.K. Rowling
Catch-22 Joseph Heller
The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
Brave New World Aldous Huxley

This will enable you to display a virtual bookshelf on your Hugo-Blox site, leveraging the visually appealing bookshelf design.

Professor of Artificial Intelligence
My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.